(I found this under "drafts" from the beginning of the confinement. I decided to post it, despite being over a week late.) I'm trying to get rolling for production. The Confinement has me living in solitarty and getting judgemental a**ho**s judging my reaction to it. The Lockdown is not really any different to me. I have only left my house one time in the past month, for a doctor's appointment. I have a long list of people who say they are "going to," but don't. Going to visit. Going to help me with a problem at the house. And they stopped appearing long before the threat of plague was on the horizon. i have someone who bring by groceries, once a week, spends 10 minutes talking and is sometimes back for a quick visit. it doesn't equal the "hour in the yard" and interaction with food delivery to a cell in real prison solitary. A friend had two of his sons come over to spend the night, twice in two weeks. They help with chores aro...
SSC 13 is done. I wanted to add more, but enough is enough. It will go out in the next day or so. I'm also putting some polish on ORFA , in a vertical, letter-sized edition, for Skyrealms of Jorune . I have some work yet to do for that world, but this marks the end of the Segment: Sho-Caudal project. Thirteen issues, about 300 pages. I had about twenty people around the world supporting me on this and I hope they feel I did right by them. I had hoped the book(s) would provide a stream of income through Amzon.com, but that is not happening. It may build for something good later, but for the moment I need to shift lanes. MDJS stands for More Damn Joe Stuff , was intended as a project to garner support from Patreon to accomplish specific projects. There are several tracks - 12-Step Recovery, Role Playing Games, Self Education, and some personal projects. The Patreon channel will show as MDJS, with tracks for: Role-Playing Games - Old-style tabletop, penci...
Oh, yeah. Reality bit me last year. - J Fiala