What The...???

I just made an interesting discovery. While doing the niggly bits to make SIMPLE DIRECTIONS 2019 available through Amazon, in addition to the free download channels, I discovered that another book that I had made available on Amazon was still there.

RECOVERY READER, SECOND EDITION has been up since 2012. I knew it was available in Print on Demand through Lulu.com, but I'm an old disabled guy and had forgotten the book was up. Decent price - $10, plus shipping (which doesn't exist if you are in the Amazon Prime club). Over 60 years of writings on 12-Step Recovery. For Newcomers, on Steps, on Spirituality, on Sponsorship, and loads of References to help any student involved with the system in use by Alcoholics Anonymous and over seventy other 12-Step Fellowships.

Wow. The things you forget when you get old.


Since I have updated SIMPLE DIRECTIONS and I am working on the new indexed edition of RECOVERY READER, I will have to learn to track things better.

The new publishing push is intended to move my work into promotion. That has always been my big failing. Recovery. Fiction. Plays. And I have a couple of non-fiction books on Propaganda, Self Education, Slaveries, and the needs of a first time Kitchen owner. All of which will need promotion.

But I forgot that I had a book on Amazon.

I guess that's a thing.


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