The Growing List
Margaret Secara (Pierce) "Maggie" A friend died unexpectedly Friday night. She and I were chatting on facebook a couple of hours earlier (giggling over pictures from us with friends at a party in 1977 which she had uncovered) and a couple of hours later her husband heard a thud from the next room. He found her on the floor, CPR and 911. She was pronounced at 11P. A friend who was in the pictures notified me Saturday morning before it was announced on Maggie's webpage that afternoon – after her family had been notified across many time zones. Within the next few hours over 500 people responded. Grieving requires simple honestly. First about the shock, then about the loss, but for me, it has had to move into a celebration - say that name, tell the tales, keep them alive in memory, and introduce them to people who will never get to meet her. It keeps her alive for just a bit longer. And grief is best processed in the sharing with the other people who know that spec...