The Print Option
One of the things that make releasing material for Twelve Step Recovery more difficult is the non-commercial foundation of the work. SIMPLE DIRECTIONS 2019 is released as a free download. That will remain true and is part of the 12-Step Principles, and also my agreement with the living authors or their heirs. The material will remain available for free. Free downloads from : I received notice that the printed version of the book is now available on Amazon and on . Both are glorified versions of the "Print on Demand" revolution that created a new history of self-publishing. It's not just for failed authors anymore. But I'm an old guy, who grew up with 5¢ candy bars and 10¢ comic books. $4.25 seems high. And $6 for shipping - Yow. Too much for my blood, but it was the only way I could have a printed copy for my guys. 3 copies, almost $17. Yow. Order from Lulu Direct : http:/...