
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Print Option

One of the things that make releasing material for Twelve Step Recovery more difficult is the non-commercial foundation of the work. SIMPLE DIRECTIONS 2019 is released as a free download. That will remain true and is part of the 12-Step Principles, and also my agreement with the living authors or their heirs. The material will remain available for free. Free downloads from : I received notice that the printed version of the book is now available on Amazon and on . Both are glorified versions of the "Print on Demand" revolution that created a new history of self-publishing. It's not just for failed authors anymore.  But I'm an old guy, who grew up with 5¢ candy bars and 10¢ comic books. $4.25 seems high. And $6 for shipping - Yow. Too much for my blood, but it was the only way I could have a printed copy for my guys.  3 copies, almost $17. Yow.  Order from Lulu Direct : http:/...

What The...???

I just made an interesting discovery. While doing the niggly bits to make SIMPLE DIRECTIONS 2019 available through Amazon, in addition to the free download channels, I discovered that another book that I had made available on Amazon was still there. RECOVERY READER, SECOND EDITION has been up since 2012. I knew it was available in Print on Demand through, but I'm an old disabled guy and had forgotten the book was up. Decent price - $10, plus shipping (which doesn't exist if you are in the Amazon Prime club). Over 60 years of writings on 12-Step Recovery. For Newcomers, on Steps, on Spirituality, on Sponsorship, and loads of References to help any student involved with the system in use by Alcoholics Anonymous and over seventy other 12-Step Fellowships. Wow. The things you forget when you get old. Since I have updated SIMPLE DIRECTIONS and I am working on the new indexed edition of RECOVERY READER , I will have to learn to...

Progress, Despite All

"Progress, however glacial, is still Progress." I don't know who said that, but it has saved my sanity a few times. And I am getting into a series of completions despite the intrusion of some nasty real-world problems on several channels. The Sponsorship Glyph But there are obstacles within the goals. For example, KDP. Kindle Direct Publishing has replaced the old Kindle system, which worked. But doesn't for me. It is required that I move books over from the original Kindle system and it will not connect. It sits and spins and spins and spins. but I'll keep hammering on it. But the first of the releases will make me no money. Which is the design. it is the 2019 edition of SIMPLE DIRECTIONS, A Guide to a 4th Step Inventory. This was originally published in 2019 and has been spiffed up. It is still a very easy to follow set of directions to do a 4th Step Inventory with Dr. Bob's version of a summary for Steps 1-2, plus a few words to help with St...

Oh,The Fun I Have

So damn annoying. I'm distracting but have three projects that will probably still get done in Aril. I'm distracted by a string of events. First, while I was sitting and talking with someone we heard a little tiny electric alarm screaming from somewhere toward the back. Turns out my heart/defibrillator monitor was signaling it had now power. It had had power an hour earlier, but now it didn't. And then I noticed the modem for my internet had no lights. The guy I was talking with just happened to work electric, he went to check the breakers and one breaker seemed to be out. He changed some of my extension cord wiring to a different circuit and I had power to the heart monitor and modem, but not to the back of the house. No lights, no outlets. The broken breaker was old, no longer manufactured. He found on up in Henderson, near the Virginia state line. Got it, brought it down and installed it. More beeping. The stove got power back and was giving a signal E9 - E9 - ...

Other Places

A random image from Behance, whose creator name I've lost. It makes me think of a back-alley market somewhere on Jorune. Maybe Ponteer. My thoughts want me to run away. Since I can't do that physically - can't walk, driving is limited without amputation (required after a few hours), or financially. So I have always run to other worlds through books, or radio theater, or role-playing games. Worlds that make more sense to me, where I would like to breathe and enjoy dishes made by alien cooks who use the flesh of creatures I could not have imagined. I want roast haunch of dothibider, or a bowl of Pilgrim pod with some friendly Dir Dir, or a spiced stew from boiled Ramian skull meat... And I go beyond the safari-fantasy of most men in our imaginative excursions into new alien landscapes. I go home with these people. Where do they wake up? Where do they find the vegetables to take home to their family for the evening meal and what is the smell of those distant bazaars. I...

Pregnant April

I'm staying busy and it looks like juggling is about to result in several releases. My history has been mumbling in the background for months or years, juggling at least three projects at a time, and periodic explosions of deliveries. Cover of the new CLIMBING THE SPIRAL MOUNTAIN Most of these new appearances are driven by new release through Kindle—mobi editions for eReaders—plus the attendant new access to print books for Amazon readers, which will translate into new ebook editions for AppleBooks (formerly iBooks). So what? What has to be different is my approach to letting the world know the books are there, what is in them, what value they may have. I have to blow my own horn and I have never been good with that. I'm trying to learn. I have downloaded and am reading the "free" books on the ways to kill it on Amazon sales lists, the free book giveaways, the discounts, the paid ads on FaceBook and other social media (which is a problem, because FaceBook i...