Work Work Work

Graphic element for SSC #12, exploring the Colonials who left Earth forother Worlds. I am cleaning. Not my house - yet - but the material to go up for sale in April. The final issue of the pre-sold subscriptions for my Jorune newsletter SEGMENT: SHO-CAUDAL #12 is being prepared, and I am cleaning up the HTML code for the attendant website. As much as I like the program, the Mozilla WYSIWYG editor, Sea Monkey, has been allowed to remain nonfunctional in the new web-authoring world. It no longer allows a search in the raw HTML mode. It also makes an automatic change in the HTML where the location of all graphics and download files are rewritten to seek my local folder names. That doesn't work — people on the web won't be able to read my local folder. So I have to use a raw text editor to seek and replace all the "file:///" replacements. I use CotEditor but miss my old BBEdit text editor for webpage work. Oh well. While I am waiting for the editor in England ...