The Right Move
Every so often you make the right move. It feels nice. I've known for a long time that the future of the MDJS project would be in video for YouTube and beyond. I know how to use iMovie, but it really isn't the right tool for what I want to do. Simple, but by definition it doesn't live up to the effects of what I see in my mind as the right path to take. I was getting competent with Premiere, but no longer have access to the program. For a while it appeard that Edenlive would be the right program, but I have complications with my Linux access and it doesn't have a Mac port for me to use (I don't know how to complie). I've been looking at variious editors, trying them out, leaving them for one problem or another. A new review of modern video editing programs hit my in box and so I look at it And immediately was drawn to one video editor that has a free entry version that is not a free, limited preview. This is the full program, functional with many featu...