Home Stretch
Today I will finish the polish of CLIMBING THE SPIRAL MOUNTAIN. I have been going through the whole manuscript, over and over. More than 180,000 words, 560 pages in final book layout using 11 point type and .9 line spacing. My friend Lonnie Burr pointed out it is longer than THE ODYSSEY. I hadn't noticed. I stopped counting after seven complete read-throughs, so I guess I am over ten times through today. And I am pleased with the story, the way the book flows, what an easy read it is. I'm finishing the typographical/layout corrections. I will give it one more spellcheck before sending it off to my editor for his final check by fresh eyes before it goes up onto Amazon and Kindle. I will begin the promotional side of getting it read. That means I will be setting up the limited "free download" days so people will get the chance to read it - and post their reviews - with Amazon. When this is done it should be easy to work on the smaller books. SONG OF ORPHANS,...