How Is Your Confinement Going?
For me, aside from fewer visitors, it is life as normal. I'm home in my command chair, on the computer with PBS or YouTube in the background. Sometimes I'll watch a show on Netflix, but not often. The second season of Altered Carbon has been a slow building fireball. As I type I am watching Blood Sugar Rising on PBS - an excellent documentary on the rise of diabetes in this country (and the results). But I continue working on the juggle. As I've said before, I use the juggle to keep from going into another multi-year "writer's block" and remain productive. It results in a sudden burst of releases as things ripen together. Kind of like an orchard, when the fruit comes ready for picking. Light, Slenderella cover LIGHT This will be the most political novel I've written. More on the lines of my 1984. Like , it demands my time, dictates new scenes. To this point I have not given the lead character a name. It has been told from a personal, third perso...